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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bread Pudding for One

Some people make crunchy bits for their salads with day-old bread. But here’s a better and sweeter option that will get your engines purring like a Ferrari.

7 TBLSP non-dairy milk (I like almond, but soy, rice, or coconut will work just fine)
2 TBLSP brown sugar
1 ½ teaspoons maple syrup
Slosh of vanilla extract
Sprinkle of salt
1 ¼ cups bread cubes
TBLSP raisins
Sprinkle of ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a large ramekin or oven-proof bowl
  1. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the milk, sugar, maple syrup, vanilla, and salt.
  2. Plop the bread cubes into the milk solution and let it sit for 10 minutes or so, sopping up the delicious mess. You could toss in a few sprinkles of cinnamon if you’d like. Add in the raisins. (You could put them in earlier, especially if they’re a little hard. They’ll puff up a bit.)
  3. Once the milk solution is absorbed, place the bread and etc. into the prepared baking vessel. Sprinkle the top with a little cinnamon.
  4. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until it’s puffed and golden and the milk has been absorbed.

  • Use a slosh of rum instead of the vanilla.
  • Try dried apricots, diced small, instead of the raisins.

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